Yoga & outdoor company

Brand YogaLine & AlpLine


From 2012 we are distributers for Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia for the best brands for yoga, climbing and lifestyle clothes and accessories.

If you need yoga or climbing teacher or you would like to know how to start or if you would like to experience how yoga or climbing can change your life …,

Please contact us, we will show you all that and even more!





YogaLine - Shop for yoga and other activities

Yoga shop for yoga fans and other outdoor exercises with premium yoga brands: prAna, Manduka, ReYoga, Liforme, Lotuscrafts, …

We are here for you. Sustainable and quality products.

Alpline - shop with climbing and hiking equipment

Alpline – everything for climbing, slackline, hiking and leisure. Here you can find the best and sustainable brands: Petzl , Black Diamond , Edelrid , Vaude , Trespass , …

Our brands

Where we found the name Samana? Simple as that.

We were looking for conection with the name of “our” brand prAna and also find the name of our company.
Samana is very important prana (one of the five prana’s), connects the two main chakra. After the body distributes the energy we receive from food.

And no matter what relationship to food we already have, certainly the quality of food is directly related to the quality of each human prana. That affects the body, psyche and consciousness.

What experts are saying about us


Joga trgovina Slovenija - trgovina za jogo in ostale vadbe Joga trgovina Hrvatska - trgovina za jogu i druge vježbe YogaLine shop in English - Shop for yoga and other activities Negozio di yoga Italia - Acquista yoga e altre attivita Magazin de yoga Romania - Cumparati yoga si alte activitati Jógaüzlet Magyarország – Vásároljon jógát és egyéb tevékenységeket YogaLine Germany – Kaufen Sie Yoga und andere Aktivitäten